Bellino: Where’s the outrage over Democrats calling for hangings?

Bellino: Where’s the outrage over Democrats calling for hangings?

LANSING, Mich. Sen. Joseph Bellino during Senate session on Thursday expressed his frustration and anger that no legislative Democrat has denounced comments by a local Democratic county party chairman and his county party calling for the death of President Trump supporters.

“Where’s the outrage? There’s no outrage at what was said last week in Lenawee County, where a Democratic official called for the hanging of everyone who supports Donald Trump. No one said a word,” said Bellino, R-Monroe.

According to reports, Lenawee County Democratic Party Chairman Bill Swift recently called in to Talk Back Radio with Doug Spade and Mike Clement and said that Trump is “an illegitimately and unconstitutionally elected insurrectionist president who ran on Nazi rhetoric” who had “a Nazi rally for his presidential inauguration” and that ICE agents are “Nazi collaborators.”

Swift ended his comments by highlighting another recent social media post by the Lenawee County Democrats that calls for the death penalty for Trump’s supporters, saying, “They should be hanged by the neck until dead.”

“This is today’s Democratic Party,” Bellino said. “They are so filled with hate that everything including killing the opposition is acceptable. It’s disgusting and dangerous. This type of rhetoric is what led to someone trying to assassinate Donald Trump. It needs to end and denouncing these hateful comments is a good place to start.”


Editor’s note: A video of Bellino’s address is available at

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