Bellino comments on Whitmer’s ‘Road Ahead Address’

Bellino comments on Whitmer’s ‘Road Ahead Address’

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Joseph Bellino, R-Monroe, issued the following statement after watching Gov. Gretchen Whitmer deliver her “Road Ahead Address” at the Detroit Auto Show on Wednesday:

“The governor loves to put on a great show about bipartisan solutions to reduce costs on hardworking families, fix our local roads, improve our children’s education and boost our economy — but talk is cheap.

“The people of Michigan need real results — not more unkept promises.

“With Democrats in total control over the past two years, they have focused on ramming through a laundry list of liberal policy dreams — while virtually ignoring the other side of the aisle. What do we have to show for it? More government, more spending and less freedom. All of this while Michigan still ranks in the bottom 10 for road quality, job growth, per capita income, and fourth grade reading.

“Now that the Republicans are in control of the state House, I’m hopeful we can provide much-needed relief for struggling families and pass positive changes that put our state back on the right track to prosperity. But sadly, the governor’s track record suggests otherwise.”
