Bellino comments on 2024 State of the State address

Bellino comments on 2024 State of the State address

LANSING, Mich. — After watching Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s 2024 State of the State address Wednesday night, Sen. Joseph Bellino, R-Monroe, issued the following statement:

“I remain hopeful the governor will work this year in a bipartisan fashion to lower taxes and help families struggling with increasingly high costs — but the burden is on the Democrats to reach out and work with us. I am not going to play Charlie Brown and have Lansing Democrats yank away the bipartisan football yet again.

“The Michigan people need us to find common ground on important issues facing them and the future of our state — including working together to improve education for all our students, focusing state funding on vital services and long-term investments like fixing our local roads, and allowing everyone to keep more of their money instead of using it to grow the size of state government.

“When it comes to energizing our economy, we need to find ways to cut regulations and taxes to make us more competitive in attracting new talent, jobs and business investment — instead of more government red tape and taxpayer handouts to foreign corporations that are counterproductive and fail to achieve long-term positive results.

“Michigan continues to decline under this governor, and we must work together to enact proven and pro-growth policies that can help turn around our state and improve the lives of all Michiganders.”


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